Announcement: As of September 17, 2018, the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (IJMEM) is discontinued.
IJMEM is high quality peer-reviewed journal, where every article will be peer-reviewed by several experts in the field. Upon acceptance, articles will be published in the latest open volume. One continuous volume per year is published.
IJMEM welcomes research and review papers related to:
- Aerospace Systems and Technology
- Automation
- Biomechanics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fuels and Combustion
- Heat and Mass Transfer
- Micro-Machining
- Modeling of Processes
- Nanotechnology
- Renewable and Non-Renewable Energies
- Robotics
- Solid Mechanics
For a complete list of topics, please visit: Aims & Scopes
Indexed in: Google Scholar, CAS, Index Copernicus International, Academic Index, Genomics JournalSeek, Mendeley, and Primo Central
Archived in Portico, one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world
Content Registered with Crossref
A proud member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Dr. Mojtaba Ahmadi
Carleton University, Canada
Editor in Chief
Recent News
We are pleased to announce that the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (IJMEM) has been approved by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). IJMEM has been working hard to abide by the guidelines of ethics, integrity, and high standards in publishing.
IJMEM is now permanently archived in Portico (one of the largest community-supported digital archives in the world). You can find more information here: Portico.
Most Recent Articles
Application of Taguchi Methodology on the Manufacturing Quality Evaluation of Subcontract Factories in Tapping ScrewsChih-Cheng Yang, Wen-Ching Chao
Nonlinear Analysis of Pull-In Voltage of Twin Micro-Cantilever BeamsM. Amin Changizi, Ion Stiharu
Optimization of Spheroidized Process Parameters for Two AISI 1022 Steel Wires Using Taguchi ApproachChih-Cheng Yang, Chang-Lun Liu
Errata for: "Kinematic Analysis and Locomotion Strategy of a Pipe Inspection Robot Concept for Operation in Active Pipelines"Amr Bekhit, Abbas Dehghani, Robert Richardson
Global Localization of a Mobile Robot by Data Fusion Attitude and Heading Reference SystemsB. Benito Salmerún-Quiroz, Gerardo Villegas-Medina, Salvador A. Rodriguez-Paredes, Rodolfo Villalobos-Martinez, and Luis Castillo Bermúdez